Covid-19 Compliance
For any assistance in Covid-19 Compliance.
COVID-19, Osha mandated Training, OSHA 3980-03 2020
“Return-to-Work Policy Guidelines”
Get compliant today to Get and Keep your Business Open!
Current guidelines can be found here:

Providing Employees with a Safe & Healthier Tomorrow

Want a free consultation?
Certification Safety Courses Include:
OSHA requires workers that are “routinely” or “occasionally” at sites where hazardous materials/waste are present or because of their specific job task be trained on Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response.
Per Osha requirements anyone that operates a Powered industrial truck (Forklift)
must be trained by a certified trainer and receive a certification card.
The Central Oregon Safety is a State certified Hazardous Materials Training provider operating under the authority of the California Specialized Training Institute Outreach program.
We provide certification training through the American Health and Safety Institute/Medic First Aid.
Provides training to a selected group of employees within a plant or facility for the purpose of responding quickly to identified hazards present i.e., Medical Emergencies, Fires, Hazardous Materials Release’s, Earthquake, other identified hazards or emergency situations.
Accident Investigation, Back Injury Prevention, Blood Borne Pathogen, Confined Space, Awareness level, Confined Space, Operations level
We recommend Central Oregon Safety to you. During our company start up, our team worked directly with James Deatherage, of Cal Compliance on numerous safety projects. The company got us Osha compliant and provides regularly scheduled safety meetings for our team. Anytime there is a question, concern or safety issue, James is a valuable reference and consults with us to find workable solutions.
Steve Johnson – Phase 2 ExtractionPrineville, Oregon

Jim and his Safety Company has helped us tremendously meet our Safety Training and Osha Compliance goals at a very affordable cost. For over 15 years he and his experienced staff have provided us with Safety Training programs that are most appropriate and vital to meeting our needs. His flexible schedule and reliability helps us greatly with our daily operational needs. It is without hesiation I would recommend CENTRAL OREGON SAFETY/ CAL COMPLIANCE.
Joe Murnin – ABMPleasanton, CA